May 31, 2012
Plans need to work for both parties
May 30, 2012
Humans, like pets, can be unpredictable
May 28, 2012
Moving in with family can be tricky
May 26, 2012
Destination weddings can create controversy
May 25, 2012
The naked truth is most revealing
May 24, 2012
Carrots or roses?!?
May 23, 2012
Insecurity can lead down the wrong path
May 22, 2012
Distance can make or break a new relationship
May 21, 2012
Relationships are complex. Period.
May 19, 2012
No chemistry? No go!
May 18, 2012
Inheritances are often cause for family strife
May 17, 2012
Secrets can weigh heavily on your soul
May 16, 2012
A rumour is hearsay until validated
May 15, 2012
It’s a dog’s life
May 14, 2012
When the writing’s on the wall…..
May 12, 2012
Sexual preference IS your partner’s business
May 11, 2012
Violence and abuse MUST be reported to Police
May 10, 2012
Cold wives, cheating husbands
May 9, 2012
Don’t mess with fragile people
May 7, 2012
Nobody’s perfect
May 5, 2012
Sex is part of the marriage contract
May 2, 2012
Family weddings are important events
May 1, 2012
Opposites initially attract…but can it sustain?
April 30, 2012
Anyone can become a victim of abuse
April 28, 2012
Don’t stir the pot if things are good
April 27, 2012
Karma’s a b*%@^!
April 24, 2012
When friendships turn ugly, cut your losses and walk away.
April 23, 2012
Abuse, in any form, cannot be condoned.
April 21, 2012
Pets have feelings, too
April 19, 2012
It’s usually clear when someone’s “into” you
April 18, 2012
New money and old responsibilities don’t mix
April 17, 2012
Two’s a couple, three’s an intrusion
April 16, 2012
Try to celebrate together
April 13, 2012
Divorce is draining. Stay strong.
April 12, 2012
Desperation+Anxiety=Bad decision making
April 10, 2012
Disappearing acts usually are recurring
April 7, 2012
Destination weddings are USUALLY worth the trip
April 6, 2012
Don’t hide from your own troubles inside someone else’s
April 5, 2012
When lying is one’s M.O. – move on!
April 4, 2012
Don’t compare potential partners to your parents
April 3, 2012