December 5, 2011
Holding a grudge is a waste of your energy
December 3, 2011
Relationships are …. complicated
December 2, 2011
Relationships take work – under the best of circumstances!
December 1, 2011
Your children’s friends can be a negative influence
November 30, 2011
Physical abuse warrants police intervention
November 29, 2011
Get a BA and an MRS – not just the latter
November 28, 2011
Never give up on your children
November 26, 2011
Stay connected by not judging
November 25, 2011
The more you push, the more they pull
November 24, 2011
Do you really want to stay with a cheater???
November 23, 2011
Cheating is never the answer
November 22, 2011
Allow for room to change as people grow
November 21, 2011
Diaries hold secrets for a reason
November 19, 2011
Is it legit if it’s true love?
November 18, 2011
Reply or Reply All – BIG difference!!
November 17, 2011
Addiction comes in many forms
November 16, 2011
Does romance still prevail???
November 15, 2011
Deal with your parents adult to adult
November 14, 2011
If you don’t care about your partner…….
November 12, 2011
Adult children who return sometimes need reminding to leave
November 11, 2011
Are you REALLY committed?
November 10, 2011
Combined families need intense scheduling and organizing
November 9, 2011
Don’t confuse love and money
November 8, 2011
It’s not all about YOU!
November 7, 2011
A relationship means caring what the other person thinks
November 5, 2011
MIL’s need tread carefully, but wisely
November 4, 2011
Positive advice works better than negative judgement
November 3, 2011
Find a safe family position and stick to it
November 2, 2011
Make up your mind!
November 1, 2011
Kissing doesn’t HAVE to lead to sex
October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween!!!!
October 29, 2011
Relationships start with friendship, romance, and passion
October 28, 2011
Cohabitating takes adjustment
October 27, 2011
An affair to remember?
October 26, 2011
Make time for each other
October 25, 2011
Listen to your gut
October 24, 2011
Sex should not be used as a tool
October 22, 2011
Embrace your children’s partners
October 21, 2011
Take a break!!
October 20, 2011
Confess, confront, clear the air
October 19, 2011
Shake your insecurities and trust your gut
October 18, 2011
Tell people to MYOB!!!
October 17, 2011
Work “spouses” should be in jest only
October 15, 2011
Kids need help dealing with divorce
October 14, 2011
Divorce gets complicated when kids are involved
October 13, 2011
Pets can make great house guests – if invited!!
October 12, 2011
Do you REALLY want to know???
October 11, 2011
Teenagers need all the positive support they can get
October 10, 2011
Plan for Murphy’s Law
October 8, 2011