July 7, 2009
Nice guys don’t need to finish last
July 6, 2009
She used you for sex, best to now move on move
July 4, 2009
Remember, looks aren’t everything in a relationship
July 3, 2009
In-law input into child rearing hard to avoid
July 2, 2009
For your own sake, walk away from married lover
July 1, 2009
Dating doesn’t need to be formulaic
June 30, 2009
Work with your husband to rebuild the marriage
June 29, 2009
Best not to assume more of office friendship
June 27, 2009
Avoid wedding woes by thinking of step-father
June 26, 2009
If you want to be considered an adult, act like one
June 25, 2009
When in-laws try to undermine you, ignore it
June 24, 2009
Friendship does not always lead to a great relationship
June 23, 2009
Porn is one touchy subject
June 22, 2009
Don’t gamble on your wife; seek legal advice
June 19, 2009
Look at the issues, not the outcome
June 18, 2009
Work as a team to keep family harmony
June 17, 2009
Her lies may be the end of your relationship
June 12, 2009
To overcome divisive issues, consider counselling
June 11, 2009
‘Good Kid’ Step-son needs good parents
June 9, 2009
Start talking, and stop considering walking
June 8, 2009
Your interests make you date-able – work with them
June 5, 2009
Wife’s past may be hindering more than you know
June 4, 2009
Investigate alcohol allegations
June 3, 2009
Marriage shouldn’t be a competition
June 1, 2009
A massage should not make or break a relationship
May 30, 2009
Go slowly with old relationship
May 29, 2009
Sometimes friendship is only friendship
May 28, 2009
Relationship woes might call for distance
May 27, 2009
His controlling ways can lead to no good
May 26, 2009
The ‘old boys club’ rules don’t apply here
May 25, 2009
Concentrate on your marriage, not your friendship
May 22, 2009
Work towards understanding with this adult “child”
May 21, 2009
This break-up was not his colleagues decision
May 20, 2009
Mother-in-law may be feeling insecure
May 19, 2009
Death of a loved one needs to be talked about
May 18, 2009
This relationship needs clarity
May 16, 2009
Become the changed man you claim to be
May 15, 2009
Look for friendship BEFORE relationship
May 14, 2009
Show daughter you’re proud of her
May 13, 2009
Don’t dismiss his mom’s religious beliefs
May 12, 2009