June 13, 2011
Give yourself time to get over a broken heart
June 11, 2011
No dates for drama divas
June 10, 2011
Wait to have kids until you’re SURE you’re ready!!
June 9, 2011
Your partner’s children deserve acceptance
June 8, 2011
Love doesn’t always mesh with life
June 6, 2011
One retired + one working two jobs = discord
June 4, 2011
Lies always come back and bite you
May 30, 2011
Convenience isn’t love
May 28, 2011
Weight should NOT affect a relationship
May 27, 2011
It can be tough to find the “right” therapist
May 26, 2011
Wrong place, wrong time……..try again later
May 25, 2011
Children are not pawns in parental wars
May 24, 2011
Avoiding sex issues wll cause a rift
May 23, 2011
Don’t live in denial – face reality
May 21, 2011
An affair is an affair – emotional or sexual
May 20, 2011
Use your inner strength
May 19, 2011
Counselling can be beneficial
May 18, 2011
Pre-empt awkward scenes whenever possible
May 17, 2011
Couch potato + beer gut = unattractive
May 16, 2011
A “house” guest and a hotel are two different things
May 14, 2011
Finances can wreak havoc on a relationship
May 13, 2011
Keep your opinions to yourself
May 12, 2011
If it’s really over, walk away
May 11, 2011
If it’s over, then it’s over
May 9, 2011
Live by your own morals
May 7, 2011
You need to roll with the punches
May 6, 2011
Back off!!
May 5, 2011
Two’s a marriage; three’s a crowd
May 4, 2011
All teenagers need guidance
May 3, 2011
Prove your suspicions before making accusations
May 2, 2011
Don’t let yourself be controlled by another
April 30, 2011
Dump your fall-guy
April 29, 2011
Long distance relationships take commitment
April 28, 2011
Stop the gossip!!!
April 27, 2011
It’s not cool to be the subject of gossip
April 26, 2011
Mind your own business!
April 25, 2011
If necessary, keep it strictly business
April 23, 2011
Sometimes, you have to just suck it up
April 22, 2011
Don’t marry someone you don’t love
April 21, 2011
Online dating can be successful
April 20, 2011
The apple…..and the tree
April 19, 2011
There are no set rules
April 18, 2011
Snooping is sneaky
April 16, 2011