September 2, 2014
Sex between partners is a two-way endeavour
September 1, 2014
Love at First Sight CAN happen
August 30, 2014
Don’t repeat failed relationship patterns
August 29, 2014
Young relationships don’t always mature
August 28, 2014
Don’t be a victim. Accept responsibility
August 27, 2014
Fear their wrath? Walk away
August 26, 2014
Distance and religion can be deal breakers
August 25, 2014
Change yourself, but don’t expect it of others
August 23, 2014
If there’s love, don’t leave
August 22, 2014
Personal and couples’ counselling can help
August 21, 2014
Be honest with your partner
August 20, 2014
Enjoy the dating game
August 19, 2014
Tick tock goes your biological clock
August 18, 2014
Emotional affairs count as infidelity
August 16, 2014
Career, family, relationships – it’s a juggling act
August 15, 2014
No need to rush – but don’t avoid – relationships
August 14, 2014
Friendship to romance? Go for it!
August 13, 2014
Get counselling before giving up
August 12, 2014
Don’t let your in-laws get IN your way
August 11, 2014
Children can be part of your life in many different ways
August 9, 2014
Do not accept abuse – in any form!
August 8, 2014
Blended families can be tricky and complicated
August 7, 2014
Sometimes, people do get back together
August 6, 2014
No one likes to be controlled
August 5, 2014
Alcoholics need professional help
August 4, 2014
Really look before you leap
August 1, 2014
If you’re not sure, take a break
July 31, 2014
Do you believe in love at first sight?
July 30, 2014
Love at first sight can exist
July 29, 2014
Two chance meetings doesn’t equal love
July 28, 2014
Loveless marriages aren’t healthy – for anyone
July 26, 2014
When confronted with the past, allow yourself to react
July 25, 2014
Confrontation vs. cowardice
July 24, 2014
Attempt to fix your relationship before running away
July 22, 2014
Open marriages ONLY work if both parties are on board
July 21, 2014
Friendships take nurturing and communication to work
July 19, 2014
Straight or gay, dating after a loss is difficult
July 18, 2014
Sharing secrets outside the partnership is unacceptable
July 17, 2014
Take responsibility for your actions
July 15, 2014
Best NOT to mix sex with coworkers/managers
July 14, 2014
Moved in? Awkward? Sit down and talk!
July 12, 2014
Large age gaps matter, especially when under age
July 11, 2014
Don’t diss an ex. It looks bad on you
July 10, 2014
Do your due diligence when online dating
July 9, 2014