Topic: Sex
April 12, 2014
Early 20’s? Focus on you, your future, and a career
April 11, 2014
Avoid being the third wheel
April 1, 2014
Get counselling before throwing in the towel
March 28, 2014
Helping loved ones is admirable but don’t let it consume you
March 26, 2014
Help an addict quit, with support not insistence
March 19, 2014
Be sure to point your anger in the right direction
March 18, 2014
Will you ever be “ready” to get married?!?
March 12, 2014
If you fear for someone’s safety, you must contact police
March 10, 2014
Think hard before jumping into an affair
March 7, 2014
Talk through issues before they become weapons of war
March 4, 2014
If you play with fire, you WILL get burned
March 1, 2014
Discuss big family issues together
February 28, 2014
Once a cheater, NOT always a cheater
February 27, 2014
Find out the why, then deal with the affair
February 26, 2014
Losing sexual desire is NOT a natural phase
February 25, 2014
Obsession never turns out well. Back off
February 24, 2014
Don’t deny it. You KNOW when you’ve cheated
February 22, 2014
Sometimes, it’s just not about YOU
February 20, 2014
Forgiveness isn’t limitless
February 19, 2014
If things have changed, talk it out
February 18, 2014
Be the bigger one. End the power struggle
February 17, 2014
Take time before risking friendship for love
February 15, 2014
Remember that online profiles aren’t necessarily truthful
February 13, 2014
If your gut’s telling you to walk away – walk away!
February 12, 2014
Unprotected sex is risky on several levels
February 10, 2014
He’s just NOT into you. Full stop.
February 7, 2014
Sometimes it’s better to leave the past alone
January 25, 2014
Don’t risk the Present for memories of the Past
January 21, 2014
Once a booty call, ALWAYS a booty call
January 20, 2014
Therapy stirs up a lot of stuff. Can you handle it?
January 18, 2014
Discuss relationship issues, create solutions, act on them
January 11, 2014
Helping out a family member in need is a good deed
January 10, 2014
Don’t play with fire….EVERYONE gets burned
January 9, 2014
There are no legitimate excuses for cheating
January 3, 2014
Don’t wait around for someone else
January 2, 2014
Separate losses so your grief doesn’t overwhelm you
December 31, 2013
Cheating, no matter why, isn’t part of a healthy relationship
December 30, 2013
Too young is TOO young
December 28, 2013
Words can be very hurtful. Be careful what you say
December 23, 2013
The best sex happens when BOTH parties freely give of themselves
December 21, 2013
End your old relationship(s) before starting something new
December 19, 2013
Safety first, friendship second
December 16, 2013
Make Time For Sex!!!
December 14, 2013
There’s no good way to “have your cake and eat it, too”
December 11, 2013