Dear Readers - There’s no surprise at the immediate and varied responses from many of you regarding whether a young woman has the right to wear skimpy attire without having her body objectified in a potentially dangerous way (October 22):
Reader #1 – “Women can obviously dress just about any way they want. BUT, let's not be naïve. They dress to attract attention - e.g., Beach Volley Ball players; Professional golfers; High School students; etc.
“That’s human nature! But it doesn’t mean that they should be subject to sexual attacks from "admirers".
“However, some men simply become aroused to the extent that they step over the line.
“I spend a lot of time in airports waiting for flights, particularly in Florida, and I can understand why some women are being barred from flying based on indecent exposure!
“Yes, I hear an outcry - but it’s from people who refuse to accept reality. And I don’t believe anything will change.”
Reader #2 – “Why is dressing to emphasize one's sexual characteristics any different from singing while walking down a public street? Both actions bring involuntary attention that the singer or dresser could avoid.
“The person could wear clothes which do not emphasize their sexual characteristics. So why does it make sense to provoke attention and then complain about that attention?”
Ellie - The difference here is that you accept that a woman wearing a pullover jersey is trying to attract notice of her breasts, when she may’ve just wanted to be warm. The singer wants everyone to hear them. The woman does not want anyone to touch her.
Reader #3 – “What stood out in your response: “All genders dress for attention in different ways and places.”
“I’m female, in my 60s, university educated. I’ve learned that to be respected and valued by all genders it’s not advantageous to dress for attention.
“You want others to look you square in the eyes, open their ears and listen to what you’ve got to say. No distractions. I’m also a sexual assault survivor.”
Reader #4 – “Generally, I’d agree with you that women’s apparel reflects their taste, NOT any interest in being objectified or ogled.
“However, the description of the woman's outfit in the article sounds more like she’s seeking sheer attention. In such cases, I don’t think they also get to choose who looks.”
Reader #5 – “Yes, women have the right to dress as they choose, and men have the right to appreciate women who want to be appreciated, without being slandered by women seeking an excuse to be offended.
“It’s not creepy to just look, but it is sexist to condemn men for looking.”
Reader #6 – “So, at one time there would’ve been a self- righteous letter lamenting the woman’s attire, possibly casting aspersions on her character.
“Now there’s a letter just as self-righteously lamenting the remarks of the older couple (not within the young woman’s hearing).
“As for dismay about seniors’ enjoying looking at attractive 20-somethings - or staring at people who dress inappropriately for the occasion - she should dispense with her finger-wagging ageist notions.”
Reader #7 – “To the letter-writer: Long-married spouses say all sorts of things to each other in private. Because their hearing may’ve become less acute, they sometimes speak too loudly and you overheard them.
“This is no excuse for your eavesdropping. The couple didn’t berate the young woman, or try to ridicule her to others in the crowd. They let her be. You should’ve done the same.”
Reader #8 – “Just as the men of previous generations shouldn’t have had carte blanche to fondle women egregiously, or to make suggestive comments to women (Ellie - based purely on what they assumed about them or wanted to believe to give themselves excuses and exploitative access) neither should women in this generation think that their behaviour doesn’t need the occasional correction.
“If a woman exposes herself enough to draw comments from seniors, it might suggest that she’s over-exposed.
“Women and men are two sides of the same coin... but an older man is “creepy” because he was encouraged by his wife to ogle a young woman who’s proud of her body and displayed that pride in a very public place.
“Give me a break. I’m a 75-year-old female who lives by the mantra, “I’m not dead until I die.” If you need an explanation as to what that means, you’re too young to understand.”
Tip of the day:
Wherever sexual innuendoes exist, there are gossips, disapprovers, attention-grabbers, and over-reactors.