Reader’s Commentary “You’ve sometimes rightly suggested that a young person suffering abuse at home, confide in a trusted teacher.
“Readers should know that teachers are bound by strict laws and professional requirements to report to social services any situations harmful to our students.
“Then, this non-school association connects families with resources that can help them handle crises.
“Teachers are also legally required to provide confidentiality by not speaking about it with other students or only when very necessary with staff (e.g. telling the principal if a non-school agency needs to be contacted).”
FEEDBACK Regarding the man with the “Ugly Past” (January 27):
Reader – “He’s stated that his past was unpleasant, he doesn’t want to talk about it, nor revisit the house he was forced to leave.
“His fiancée should understand and respect how hurtful this was. But it’s clear that she doesn’t.
“At some point, he may be ready to talk about it, but not at the present. And he may never be.
“She needs to drop it or he should reconsider the relationship.
“As much as he loves her and wants to move forward with her, her neglect of his feelings on this is a glaring red flag.
“Perhaps they should get some counselling, or he should get help to evaluate both the relationship and also his past, which he describes past as “miserable.”
“But spending the future with someone who doesn’t respect his feelings is also going to be miserable.”
Tip of the day:
When a romantic partner wants to be “just friends,” the break-up decision’s already been made… unless counselling is sought.