Tip of the Day Archive
Early marital fights signal it’s time to learn better ways to communicate your feelings and respect your partner’s.
When pregnancy’s being discussed, both partners should expect equal involvement in parenting.
Under heavy relationship stress, be open with your partner, so you both get a chance at resolving it.
Domestic violence from a female or male is equally heinous.
Trust yourself, and trust in your growth and learned experiences.
When a date/friend/partner offers only “bread crumbs” of interest, end the relationship.
A young marriage based on years of being “best friends” calls for taking time to both be sure that you’re not just afraid to let the other move on.
Seeking dating/sexual connection, still requires health precautions regarding sexually transmissible diseases and the pandemic.
Don’t take long friendships for granted. Heal disagreements early.
When divorce issues get nasty, disengage from fighting your soon-ex. Let your lawyer explain what’s legally fair.
It’s your own affirmation that you must find. You’re productive in ways that matter greatly – participating as an involved father, loving husband, and contributing financially. Be proud of your work and life.
A single adult woman’s dating history of mutually consensual sex with unattached people, is her business only.
Senior employees can be significant mentors, sometimes when needed most.
Childhood sexual abuse can trigger traumatic memories. Consult a registered psychotherapist/child sex abuse specialist.
When there’s partner-abuse, tell the harmed person it’s never deserved, and will get worse. Help plan a safe exit.
When tragedy strikes, show kindness and caring.
Women in their 60s can still remain sexually strong with their libido intact, IF they’re not exhausted from work.
When there’s still a commitment to the marriage despite difficult times, repair and recovery are possible.
Supporting a wife’s menopause experience signals your love.
Never accept family violence. No one “deserves” it. You’re protected by laws. Contact the police and/or the family court in your legal jurisdiction.
Every family knows that its elders may someday need help. A gentle family discussion and plan can reassure all.
A controller and a freedom-lover, like a fish and a bird, can’t live together.
Recognize the wrong motives in a still-new friend’s request to borrow your most precious item.
Readers’ suggestions of books that deal with complex mother-daughter relationships are welcome.
When an ex-spouse botches plans of the happily-remarried co-parent, it’s the children that matter and the couple’s relationship.
Get help for a gambling addict, not money.
Don’t distrust a past partner’s positive appreciation of your personal growth during the pandemic. But insist on equal and shared commitment this time.
Delete the email bombardment of another’s political views. If asked directly, say you agree to disagree.
Teenage relationships are often more emotional during life’s changes. Focus on your goals, stay friends or take a break.
Don’t stigmatize women who’ve left husbands. Their reasons may benefit both spouses.
Long-lived relationships thrive on trust, respect, commitment, and seeking compromises over being right.
Creating “family” ties for children of divorce is a precious gift.
Don’t let an unapologetic determined cheater wear you down. Take charge of moving on for your and your children’s sakes.
A partner’s persistent negativity can drag everyone down – spouse, children, even adult siblings included.
Cheaters are either too cowardly to leave the marriage that’s not working or too arrogant to not realize they’ll be caught.
A mother who loves the limelight can be fun… until she’s not. Tell Mom it’s time for her grandkids to shine, and to encourage them.
Handle rifts/rudeness from young friends by listening, discussing or imposing a short break.
A devoted spouse’s caregiving is admirable. But some relief help is essential to maintaining energy for the task.
Where there’s hope for a scarred marriage to heal, focus on loving each other and your children’s security will follow.
Whatever your personal attitude on Covid precautions, engaging negatively with those who feel differently only adds to your own anxiety.
Rather than suffer a busybody’s intrusive monologues of gossip, state your disinterest and walk away.
When a marriage becomes a constant battleground, move on however possible. Protecting children and yourself is most important.
When pornography is the preferred partner in a relationship, love may not make it last.
Children of divorce benefit in security/comfort if parents become “divorce friends” who can attend family gatherings.
Every source of grief is hurtful. Focus on the strength and joys you have in the present.
When a close relative/friend is divorcing, be supportive. Wait till they settle before resuming friendship with their ex.
Divorced people with parenting responsibilities need increased awareness of children’s adjustment plus their own.
Enjoy your First Love. Give love unconditionally when the person and time is right.
When seeking counselling, research the types offered and the counsellor’s approach, to find the “right fit.”
Couples’ therapy can help a marriage thrive anew, together. Joining group sex instead, risks trust and respect.