Tip of the Day Archive
Don’t try to justify a relationship that’s based on your not knowing important facts like an illegal age difference.
Delay detailed planning when a partner’s current job stress is high.
When family issues are intense and dangerous, seek legal help where needed, plus family-based counselling and services.
Leaving a marriage should be decided only after positive efforts, information-seeking, and planning – unless your safety’s involved.
Watch that your past relationship with your mother doesn’t repeat with your kids and their grandmother.
Don’t let rejecting, negative family attitudes persist in overshadowing the happiness of your adult life.
When there’s no sex, no mutual acceptance, and no agreement on a solution, the union’s already split unless professional help is sought.
A married lover who wants only an affair sees you as his/her escape fantasy, not a real partner.
Know the law on reporting child abuse and do so when you suspect it.
Forgive a father who cheated by recognizing that you’re both capable of mistakes and redemption.
A serial cheater carries on until his/her partner firmly, legally, says, it’s over.
Too much personal gossip adds to personal confusion.
If an ex-partner’s mental state is seriously worrisome, alert those who remain supportive of, or involved in, her/his treatment.
Pushing for romance with constant contact after a couple of dates, is too much too soon.
When a break-up’s inevitable, counselling may help it go easier.
Differences about a couple’s finances in the future need to be resolved in the present.
A control freak in bed is a control freak, period.
For dating newbies: Go slow, get to know your date, and keep your expectations realistic.
High-school sweethearts must grow up beyond high-school antics, for the couple to survive.
Pre-wedding doubts are natural, unless you have solid reasons that need open discussion, and maybe counselling too.
One week’s changed behaviour is NOT a sure sign of cheating.
One week’s changed behaviour is NOT a sure sign of cheating.
A spouse-sanctioned extra-marital affair, still has unexpected impact on a marriage.
One partner’s drug-use lifestyle will ultimately divide and destroy the relationship.
When sex is absent and the reasons unclear, counselling may help or a break-up is likely.
You can’t resolve an unhappy marriage by mourning your lost, illicit affair. Moving forward requires action.
Seeking a long-ago-lost lover when you’re married is often about asking the wrong questions.
Changing or ending an unhealthy relationship requires understanding why you’ve accepted it.
A proposal means being ready and willing for making wedding plans.
Partners who don’t own up to their own guilty straying, can’t be trusted. Period.
When only one partner’s determined to make it work, a relationship can’t truly thrive.
A friend’s choice of partner is about him/her, not whom you would choose.
Dating selectively means this: Fewer “try-outs,” increased communication, realistic assessments.
Leave biting humour to those who can carry it off.
Tread carefully when dealing with negative parents of children involved with yours.
Don’t play detective in someone else’s relationship. Leave the inquiries to those directly involved.
Don’t make weak excuses for having let a partner down. Apologize.
Saying “I love you” is about more than an attraction. It’s about commitment.
You can forgive a friend’s nasty and unfair outburst once. Not twice.
Adult children must pitch in at home, and calmly discuss conflicts.
When a close friend’s behaviour ends your respect, look for the causes, but be prepared to distance yourself.
Switching prom dates close to time, reveals a shallow character.
After a year’s contact, with more questions about someone than answers, you can’t have trust
When a friend’s lover seems an inappropriate choice, ask leading questions.
There are two sides to grandparent-parent conflicts but the grandchildren’s healthy relationships are the priority.
Parent-child communication benefits from more listening than questioning.
When energy levels make sex less frequent, start your search for solutions with a health check-up.
A partner’s moves to cheat shows the relationship needs a re-think from both of you.
When a romantic fantasy conflicts with your job, back off unless it’s mutual, and you both seek company approval.
Grandparents’ involvement with their grandchildren is a bonus to all involved, but only if they’re willing and capable.